You want to get fresh ideas on a certain career topic in Germany and exchange with other Internationals? Come and join our open Q&A Session and ask your questions around job search, application process & documents, interview, German labour market, career change, family break.
In diesem zweitägigen Workshop möchten wir internationale Studierende und Hochschulabsolvent:innen empowern, bevor sie ihre Karriere in München/Deutschland starten.
+++ Workshop findet in Präsenz statt +++
Join our Expert Week and get feedback and tips on your personal CV by our experienced Business Experts, this time with Marina, Jonas, Steffen & Anika!
Bei unserer Expert Week erhältst Du Feedback zu Deinem Lebenslauf, von unseren versierten Business Experten, diesmal mit Marina, Jonas, Steffen & Anika!
You want to get fresh ideas on a certain career topic in Germany and exchange with other Internationals? Come and join our open Q&A Session and ask your questions around job search, application process & documents, interview, German labour market, career change, family break.
How to convince in an interview in Germany? Come and join our interactive two-part seminars “Interview I+II”. Our experienced Business Expert Marcelo guides through these seminars and invites you to train your interview skills in this group.
Sie streben eine Karriere im Finanzwesen, kaufmännisch/ administrativen oder IT-Bereich an? Lernen Sie bei unserem Business Talk Robert Half Deutschland kennen, einen der größten spezialisierten Personaldienstleister für Fach- und Führungskräfte.
Professional development is so important when you reorientate or want to upgrade your knowledge. In this event, you can learn more about: Possibilities of further training in Germany, how to find the right course for yourself, opportunities of financial support, etc.
Don’t miss our event highlight of the year: our online job fair for international talents & Munich companies. Learn more about the benefits for attendees and exhibitors.
Before our job fair: Get a short online application documents check with our experienced business experts. Get the chance for an individual appointment.
+++ Preparation for amiga Career Day 2023 +++
Get tips on how to prepare for a successful career fair visit and how to make sure that your personal appearance is professional. In addition, we introduce our traide fair tool Hopin and how to easily use it a amiga Career Day.
+++ Preparation for amiga Career Day 2023 +++
Don’t miss our event highlight of the year: our online job fair for international talents & Munich companies. Learn more about the benefits for attendees and exhibitors.
Before our job fair: Get a short online application documents check with our experienced business experts. Get the chance for an individual appointment.
+++ Preparation for amiga Career Day 2023 +++
Persönliche Online-Beratung für internationale Talente in München // Personal Online consultation for international talents in Munich. Nur für Internationals, die sich in München und Umgebung aufhalten. // Only for Internationals located in the Munich region
Die Karriere Beratung International ist ein intensives Karriere-Coaching, mit dem Ziel, Sie beim Einstieg in den Münchner Arbeitsmarkt zu unterstützen. // Our Career Coaching for Internationals is an intensive career coaching with the aim of supporting you in entering the Munich job market.
You are interested to find and better understand your strengths and skills with regards to your career? Come and join our new compact programme in English! Please note: Programme already started in April, registration for this course is not possible any more.
Keep up-to-date with amiga events and offers!